The uneducated ramblings of a former Pasadena RFC lock.

Hello all and welcome. Ever wonder what a fat, slow, loud mouthed lock thinks...? Great. If not, you still might find a funny story or two here. Irregardless (hello Ciampa), feel free to send me comments, suggest links or tell me to (as Angelica puts it) GO POUND SAND. Also, the views expressed here are views. Nothing more...nothing less.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What are you doing to prepare?

My favoriate quote is, "the will to win is meaningless without the will to prepare." I know that Doc, Tim and John are preparing for the season. I know Matt and the rest of the EC are preparing for the season. I even know that Casey and Keegan are preparing for the season...I keep getting thier emails saying so.

I wanted to see what all the hype was about. Casey’s emails about worshiping at the iron alter and praying to Crom had me curious about how the fitter half lives at a gym. Despite it being the last day of their work out program, Casey, Brian, Keegan and the others allowed me to “work-out” with them. Needless to say, I have been sore and unable to lift even a paperclip since joining them…

Nonetheless, it was quite amazing to watch them lift. Not because of the massive amount of weight these beasts moved over the course of the work out, but because of the camaraderie. Even as they took plate after plate off a bar so I could lift, they were all supportive, gave advice on technique and made me feel like I was a part of the team.

About 3-4 years ago, the team used to meet-up at the Rose Bowl to run the 3 mile loop. That was the first type for preseason organized conditioning we had done in a long time. It paid off, in the sense that people came into practice more fit and we could spend less time “getting in shape” in practice.

Those of you that are running-- keep sending the weekly emails asking your teammates to join you. Those of you that can, even if it is only once or twice join the Crom Crew to lift (24 hour fitness will give you day passes and if you act interested, they will give you a pass for longer…just ask.) Honestly, just working out with them once motivated me (yes…me!) and was VERY beneficial.

I guess what I am trying to say is, get fit boys. This year will be intense. If you are intimidated to work out with Casey, Pett, Keegan, et al… don’t be. I have heard a lot of people talk about wanting to start this year. Being fit and strong can’t hurt your chances. Don’t be sorry come January when you are trying to get fit then!!! See you all in a few weeks for more running than Lord Andrew Lindsay in Chariots of Fire

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